Technovation Exchange NewsBrief/InBrief
The 8-page Technovation NewsBrief was mailed 4-6 times a year with a market specific 4-page InBrief saddle-stitched into the NewsBrief. This informative newsletter captured the attention of prospective clients and positioned Banta to be perceived as the knowledge base of industry issues.
The Technovation Exchange program was applied to various print and electronic materials, such as:
One-Day Seminar materials
White Papers (print and PDF)
Marketing materials
The Technovation brand was broadened to create new brand extensions such as:
Technovation etips: a weekly html email
Technovation Handbook: a yearly handbook of market trends and technologies
Technovation Seminars: One-Day seminars
Technovation NewsBrief: 6 issues a year, printed magazine
Technovation InBrief: 6 issues a year, magazine insert
Technovation Webinar: Online training course